Upcoming Training

Upcoming Training  New Workshop Dates Intro to TC Begin our series of 3 zoom workshops introducing Transforming Conversation. Each session is 2hrs in length and provides an experience of a TC-style conversation, an understanding of how and why TC can be a useful tool...

Community News- Update

Going forward our e-news at the start of the month will be packed with resources and information for you to use, and our second e-news of the month will be a more practical reminder of our upcoming meetings, the feedback from the previous meeting, the usual zoom link...

Community News

The newsletter has been circulating in its current form for nearly 2 years and we have decided to make some changes. The overall format and look will remain the same for the time being and we will still email fortnightly with one e-news providing general information...
Let’s Talk About

Let’s Talk About

Let’s Talk About is the new branding for a range of Transforming Conversation stimulus materials coming soon.  Watch this space for updates about which conversation themes are in the pipeline.